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Activity Statement


Two-Factor Authentication

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Margin Account

How can I change to a margin account?

Change account type
Forex Conversion

How can I trade in foreign currencies?

Learn to exchange
Order Submission

How can I easily submit an order?

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Shift to T+1 cycle

What is going to change?

Shift to T+1 settlement cycle

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Shift to T+1 settlement cycle

In the US, Canada and Mexico the settlement cycles on stock trades and other securities go from two days to one as of May 2024.


OptionTrader is a trading tool that allows you to create and manage options orders including combination orders.

Charts in LYNX+

Discover charting in LYNX+. Save templates, add a wide range of indicators and trade directly from the charts.

Activate LYNX Key

The LYNX Key two-factor authentication in our LYNX Trading App provides you with a quick and secure login to your platforms.