Outgoing Transfer

On this page you’ll discover comprehensive instructions detailing the precise procedure for requesting an outgoing transfer from LYNX to another financial institution.


Information about broker

In the menu at the top, select Transfer & Pay and click on Transfer Positions.

In the next step, select Outgoing transfer.

Select the location where your broker is located. If it is from the USA or Canada, select United States or Canada, otherwise select All Other Regions. Choose transfer method and press the Select button.

Fill in the following information:

  • Financial Institution – select the broker you are transferring to.
  • Your Account Number at Broker – enter your account number at the financial institution to where you wish to transfer positions.
  • Name of Account Holder at Financial Institution – your name must appear here.
  • Account Type – select the type of account you have at a given financial institution.
  • Country of Financial Institution – choose the country of the financial institution.
  • Contact email of your Financial Institution – the contact email used by the other broker for the transfer cases.
  • Save Broker Information – If you would like to make other incoming transfers from that financial institution in the future, you can save that financial institution’s information so you don’t have to fill it out again next time.

Add assets

At the bottom of the page, the system will ask you to complete the information regarding the positions you want to transfer. To add the assets you want to transfer, click on Add Asset.

Please Note:

If you want to transfer your entire portfolio, answer the question Transfer all assets? with YES and confirm by pressing the Continue button at the bottom right corner. If you wish to transfer parts of your portfolio, you need to select NO.

A new window will appear in which you need to find the asset you want to transfer.
Stocks can be searched by symbolISINCUSIP or company name.

After adding the asset you want to transfer, you still need to select whether you have a short or long position and you also need to enter the number of shares/contracts.

Then confirm by clicking Save and Finish.

Transfer verification

In the last step you will be asked for verification. Type your first and last name in the empty field and confirm by pressing the Continue button.

On the next page you will see a confirmation that you have completed your transfer request.

Please Note:

Transfer processing times can vary widely from a few business days to several weeks, depending on the complexity of the transfer and coordination with your financial institution.


You can transfer e.g. stocks, ETFs, bonds and warrants to another broker.

LYNX and its partner, Interactive Brokers, must always comply with laws and regulations. Therefore, even during this process, we check that the transfer meets legal requirements and compliance standards. In this context, we check certain conditions:

  • The name of the investment account of origin matches the name of the investment account of the destination.
  • Structured products and Mutual funds will not be transferred.
  • Ownership must remain intact. Cannot be transferred from person A to person B. So-called transfer to a third party is not allowed.

If you are in any doubt as to whether a transfer complies with this policy, please contact your local customer support team.

It usually takes 2-3 weeks to process a transfer. In exceptional cases the processing time may be longer. Before requesting an outbound transfer, please make sure that your broker allows the transfer of your selected positions.

No, this is not possible. You can only withdraw funds from an investment account held through LYNX to a bank account in your name. If you wish to withdraw funds, you must create a withdrawal request in the Client Portal. More information can be found here.

FOP means Free Of Payment and is a globally supported method for securities transfers. For transfers from or to American brokers, please use ACATS, DRS or FOP (USA).

From our side, the transfer of the investment account is usually free of charge. In the case of Asian/Australian transfers or specific transfer methods (e.g. DRS transfers), fees may apply.

Please note that the counterparty (destination broker) may charge a fee for transfers. LYNX does not cover these costs.

Once you see that the positions are visible in the destination account, you can consider the transfer complete. Alternatively, the destination broker should inform you of this.

If you have a security listed in EUR in your portfolio and want to sell it on a US stock exchange (i.e. in USD), a change of depository must be initiated beforehand. This process involves transferring your position to another depository, which changes the available exchanges and the currency. This way you can also transfer securities for which trading has been suspended in a particular market segment to another depository to trade it on a different exchange and in a different currency.

Please note that a fee of USD 10 per position applies to the change of depository – the fee will be charged in the base currency of your account.

In addition, the position to be transferred cannot be traded for a period of approx. 2 – 3 weeks during the change of depository.

For securities listed in USD or EUR:

  • Please log in to the Client Portal.
  • After logging in, click on Transfer & Pay > Transfer Positions. Then select Depository / Trading Currency Change.
  • Please select the Search Type.
  • Depending on the Search Type you have selected, enter the symbol, the ISIN, the CUSIP or the company name of the security in the next field.
  • Enter the Stock Exchange. Click on Search.
  • The position will then be displayed. Enter the Quantity in the corresponding field and the new currency in the Change Symbol To column. Then click on Continue.
  • In the last step, please confirm your identity. Click on Continue.

In case you cannot enter the change of depository using the instructions above, please reach out to the Service Team of your local LYNX branch for further information.

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