Trading software is the most important tool for you as an investor as it is the link between you and the stock market. Every investor trades in his or her own way. And that includes different wishes and needs when it comes to trading software. That is why at LYNX we offer you different solutions to suit every situation.
At LYNX we don’t stand still. Every day we strive to improve your investment experience so that you can get even more out of your portfolio. That’s why we’re proud to introduce LYNX+, the successor to LYNX Basic.

Trader Workstation
On the TWS platform you will find many interesting tools such as technical indicators, the OptionsTrader, Risk Navigator, Probability Lab and many others.

Trading App
If you have an iPhone or a mobile phone that uses Android, you can download the LYNX Trading App. When you are not sitting in front of your computer screen, you can keep an eye on the prices and easily place orders.

With the help of this software, our Service Team can connect to your device after your approval and support you directly on your screen.

TWS is available for download on Mac, Linux and Windows. You can find the download links here.
LYNX+ is optimized for use in your mobile phone’s browser. You can navigate to LYNX+ as usual and log in with your credentials. This can be a more user-friendly alternative to the comprehensive LYNX Trading App.
Your account, orders and portfolio are synced, whether you’re using LYNX+ on your computer or mobile device, TWS or the LYNX Trading App. You can trade, modify orders or monitor your portfolio in all different platforms.