
In this article we will show you how to create a new watchlist and edit existing watchlists in each respective platform. Select the desired platform in the menu on the left.

Create a new watchlist

Select the Watchlists tab from the main menu. To create a new watchlist, click Add Watchlist or select it from the drop-down menu by clicking on a watchlist.

You will then be asked to add a name for this specific watchlist.

Adding products to the watchlist

You can add securities and products to a specific watchlist from the Add to watchlist search bar. You can add them by searching by name, ticker or ISIN code.

Edit your watchlist

To change the name of your watchlist, click on the drop-down menu and select the Edit icon next to the watchlist.

If you want to remove a product you’ve added to the watchlist, simply click the Delete icon located at the far right under the Action column in this watchlist.

Trading in your watchlist

It is possible to trade in LYNX+ from the watchlist, you can do this easily due to the presence of the buy and sell buttons on the right-hand side. Should you wish to see the chart of the respective product, you can click on the chart icon. On the new screen, the chart will appear and you can adjust it to your liking with a diverse number of indicators.

Create a new watchlist

Right click on the + icon located in the top right corner and select Browse Lists.

At the bottom of the Browse Lists page, select New Watchlist. Here you can also load existing watchlists.

Watchlists created in TWS and the LYNX Trading App are all saved to the Cloud and available for display on both platforms.

Adding products to the watchlist

Simply enter the symbol, ISIN code, or name into the empty field under the Financial Instrument column, then select the desired product and asset type.

Adding a synced watchlist

Right click on the + icon in the top right corner and select Browse Lists.

Click on the preferred watchlist under My Lists in the Available section.

Review the watchlist contents, then click Add to add it to your watchlist window.

Edit your watchlist

To change the name of your watchlist, right click the Watchlist tab and choose Rename Page.

If you wish to delete product you had previously added to the watchlist, click on the row you want to remove and press the Delete key.

You can also add custom columns by right clicking a column and selecting Customize Layout.

Trading in your watchlist

You can trade in your watchlist in the same way you would trade on any other page. You can find instructions on how to trade in TWS here.

Create a new watchlist

After logging into the LYNX Trading App, you can navigate to the Watchlists tab at the bottom of the screen.

Here you will have the possibility to watch your watchlists and to create new ones by pressing the + New Watchlist tab on the top of the screen.

Watchlists created in TWS and the LYNX Trading App are all saved to the Cloud and available for display on both platforms.

Adding products to the watchlist

In the watchlist click the button Add Instrument at the bottom and search the desired product.

Click on the product to add it to the watchlist.

Adding a synced watchlist

Click on the menu in the top right on the three dots and choose Manage Watchlists.

Click on the preferred watchlist under My Lists in the Available section.

Review the watchlist contents, then click Add to add it to your watchlist window.

Edit your watchlist

Edit your watchlist by pressing the three dots in the top right. Here you can rename the watchlist or edit the instruments.

It is also possible to add custom columns to the watchlist here by tapping Manage Columns.

You can delete instruments from your watchlist by selecting them and pressing the trashcan icon.

Trading in your watchlist

You can select the desired product in your watchlist and click on it again to open the product page.

Here you can trade the product.


It is currently not possible to import watchlists between LYNX+ and TWS.

It is possible to add custom columns to your watchlists in TWS and the LYNX Trading App, in LYNX+ this feature is not available yet.

You can follow the steps under Edit your watchlist to customize the columns.

You can organize your watchlists by clicking the title of the column to list the instruments based on the values in that column.

In TWS it is possible to add Group Headers and blank lines to further organize your watchlist.

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